In this resource are two-minute summaries of each of the eight modules. Together, the eight modules comprise a comprehensive behavioural weight management program and represent a knowledge translation of the 2020 Canadian Obesity in adults clinical practice guidelines.
In this resource are five-minute summaries of each of the eight modules. Together, the eight modules comprise a comprehensive behavioural weight management program and represent a knowledge translation of the 2020 Canadian Obesity in adults clinical practice guidelines.
Countering internalized weight bias is important because those who live with excess weight inevitably face negative attitudes and stereotypes related to their size and appearance from the public, the media, health care practitioners, and even family and friends.
At its most basic level, weight gain occurs when calorie intake exceeds calories expended. Conversely, weight loss only occurs when energy intake is less than total calories burned. Weight loss occurs when calorie intake is reduced, regardless of the percentages of fat, protein or carbohydrates eaten. Calorie intake, not carbohydrate intake, is the determinant of body fat gain or loss.
Working to find your BEST WEIGHT is tough enough in itself. Unfortunately, certain ‘internal states’ can make this process even more difficult. Within this module you will be introduced to a finite list of modulators that can be obstacles between you and your BEST WEIGHT.